Hospitals In Los Angeles Ca

Hospitals In Los Angeles Ca - It's no secret that hospitals can be pretty boring places, with their plain white walls and fluorescent lighting. But in Los Angeles, some hospitals have taken it upon themselves to up their game and make their facilities a little more fun and inviting for patients and visitors alike. From whimsical decor to state-of-the-art facilities, these hospitals have got it all.

Los Angeles Surge Hospital to Begin Accepting COVID-19 Patients

Get some fresh air while you still can!

Surge HospitalWell, this certainly isn't the type of fun we had in mind, but we gotta give props to this hospital for stepping up during these tough times. Not only are they helping COVID-19 patients, but they're doing it in style with that sleek black exterior. Just don't forget your mask!

Why Are California's Children's Hospitals So Much Nicer Than Other

Because kids deserve the best!

Children's HospitalWho says hospitals have to be scary places? California's children's hospitals go above-and-beyond to make their little patients feel at home. Bright colors, cheerful decor, and plenty of toys make these hospitals a play-place paradise. Plus, when you're sick, who doesn't love a good game of Operation?

Huntington Hospital recognized as a Best Hospital in Los Angeles by US

Give yourself the gift of luxury healthcare

Huntington HospitalWant to feel like you're staying in a five-star hotel instead of a hospital? Look no further than Huntington Hospital. This facility was recognized as one of the best hospitals in Los Angeles by US News and World Report, and it's easy to see why. From private rooms to gourmet meals, this hospital really knows how to pamper its patients.

Private Hospitals In Los Angeles - polymathdesigner

Get the care you need and a side of modern art

Anderson PavilionWho says art galleries are the only places to see modern artwork? Check out Anderson Pavilion at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. This private hospital has a stunning collection of contemporary art on display, making it one of the more visually-appealing hospitals in the city (not that you really want to be spending your time in a hospital).

Dignity Health - California Hospital Medical Center 1401 S Grand Ave

Get your steps in without leaving the building

California Hospital Medical CenterIf you're anything like us and hate working out, you'll love California Hospital Medical Center. This facility has a unique feature that allows you to get your steps in without ever leaving the building - a circular path on the rooftop! Just don't forget to look up and appreciate the view of downtown LA while you're there.

Tips, Ideas, and How-To's for Making Hospitals a Happier Place

Now that we've seen some of the coolest hospitals in LA, let's brainstorm how we can make all hospitals a little more fun:

1. Add a splash of color!

There's no denying that the sterile, white walls of hospitals can be pretty depressing. Why not brighten things up with some colorful accents like throw pillows or wall art?

2. Bring in some plants

Not only do plants add a pop of color, but studies have shown that they can improve air quality and reduce stress levels - both great things for a hospital environment.

3. Encourage staff to have fun with their attire

Scrubs can be pretty boring, but there's no reason why they have to be! Encourage staff members to wear fun, trendy scrubs or add their own personal touches to their uniforms to make them feel more unique.

4. Install interactive displays

Why should hospitals be boring? Add some interactive displays like touch screens or video games to liven things up and give patients something to do while they wait.

5. Make the experience more comfortable

Little touches like soft blankets, comfy chairs, and even noise-cancelling headphones can make a big difference in a patient's comfort level during their hospital stay.

With a little creativity and imagination, hospitals can be transformed from dull, sterile environments into spaces that are welcoming, comforting, and even fun. Who says healthcare can't be enjoyable?

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