Japanese Gardens In Los Angeles

Japanese Gardens In Los Angeles - If you haven't visited any Japanese gardens in Los Angeles yet, are you even living? Let's dive into some of L.A.'s hidden gems and unravel the beauty of these exquisite gardens. And don't be afraid to bring your camera, because these places are Instagram gold!

Suiho En Japanese Garden

Location: Van Nuys

First up is Suiho En Japanese Garden. Not gonna lie, it was pretty tough to find. But when I finally stumbled upon it, boy, was it worth it. The tranquility of the garden made me forget about the honking cars and annoying people around me. The koi fish swimming in the pond, the bamboo trees swaying in the wind, and the small bridges connecting the different parts of the garden made me feel like I was in Japan for a second.

Suiho En Japanese Garden

If you're trying to impress someone on a first date, this place will definitely do the trick. Trust me, I've tried it. Just make sure to bring some mosquito repellent, because those buggers were feasting on me.

The Japanese Garden

Location: Van Nuys

Van Nuys strikes again with another Japanese garden, The Japanese Garden. I guess this city knows what's up when it comes to creating a peaceful Japanese oasis. The garden is spacious, compared to the previous one, and offers a lot of open spaces to roam around in. The pond in the middle of the garden is huge and filled with more koi fish than you can count. The changing colors of the leaves and the cherry blossoms in spring make this place a sight to behold.

The Japanese Garden

They also offer guided tours, so you can learn about the history and culture of Japanese gardens. Not that you need that to enjoy the beauty of this place, but it's always nice to learn something new. One thing to note, no picnics are allowed, so leave your sandwiches at home.

The Huntington

Location: San Marino

This next one is not just a Japanese garden, it's an art museum and a library as well. Talk about multi-tasking! The Huntington's Japanese garden is the oldest one in California and is definitely worth a visit. The garden has a lot of open spaces, perfect for laying down and enjoying the sun. The pagoda and the tea house in the garden are also a must-see, as they add to the authenticity of the place.

The Huntington

And if that's not impressive enough, the library possesses a Gutenberg Bible and some original Shakespeare manuscripts. So, you can nerd out while enjoying the beauty of the garden. Win-win. One of the downsides is that this place is pretty crowded on weekends, so try to visit during a weekday if possible.

Japanese American Cultural & Community Center Garden

Location: Downtown LA

Okay, if you're looking for a small and cozy garden in the middle of the city, this is it. The Japanese American Cultural & Community Center Garden is located in the heart of Downtown LA, but you wouldn't even know it. The garden has a nice pond with a waterfall, a teahouse and a small bridge connecting the different parts of the garden.

Japanese American Cultural & Community Center Garden

This place is perfect for a quick getaway from the fluorescent lights and concrete buildings of the city. It's not the biggest Japanese garden, but it definitely has its own charm. And the best part? It's completely free! So, you can spend your money on something else, like a bubble tea or a donut.

Yamazaki Garden

Location: Westchester

Last but not least, we have the Yamazaki Garden. A garden located in a private residence in Westchester. Yup, you heard that right. The Japanese garden is part of someone's backyard. But don't worry, they offer tours, so you can get a glimpse of what it's like to have a private garden like this. The garden is small, but it has everything you need: a pond, a waterfall, a wooden bridge, and even a small rock garden.

Yamazaki Garden

If you're lucky, the owner might even offer you a cup of tea and some Japanese sweets, which definitely adds to the experience. The tours are only available on certain days, so make sure to check their website beforehand. And don't be alarmed if you see a cute dog running around, it's just the owner's pet.


And that concludes our tour of some of the most exquisite Japanese gardens in Los Angeles. Hopefully, this post has inspired you to go out and explore these hidden gems. Whether you're looking for a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, or just wanna impress someone with your knowledge of Japanese gardens, these places have got you covered. Just don't forget your camera, mosquito repellent, and maybe a picnic blanket if you're feeling extra fancy. Happy garden hopping!

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