Latest News For Los Angeles

Latest News For Los Angeles - Hey there folks, it's your favorite funnyman bringing you the latest news from the city of angels. So grab your popcorn, sit tight and let's dive into some interesting stories!

NBC 4 Los Angeles | LA Local News, Weather & KNCB Live Streaming

Local anchorman caught dancing to Beyonce during commercial break!

Now we all know that Beyonce makes us want to groove, but this Los Angeles news anchor took it to another level. Our sources say that during a commercial break, the camera cut to him and he was caught doing the "Single Ladies" dance. We have to say, we give him props for keeping up with Bey's moves!

NBC 4 Los Angeles

NBC Los Angeles

Reporter accidentally walks into street puddle during live broadcast

Reporting can be a tough job, especially when it comes to being live on air. This Los Angeles reporter was in the middle of her live report when she accidentally walked into a street puddle. Needless to say, it was a hilarious moment for viewers at home. It just goes to show, sometimes you have to make a splash in the news industry.

NBC Los Angeles

California wildfire: Astonishing footage captures flames lapping Los

Local firefighters stop wildfire by playing rock, paper, scissors

Wildfires are a devastating event, and it takes a brave team of firefighters to stop them. However, this Los Angeles fire department took a unique approach to stopping a recent wildfire. Instead of using their hoses, they decided to play a game of rock, paper, scissors to see who would go first in tackling the flames. It may seem unconventional, but hey, it worked!

California wildfire

File:Los Angeles ABC News.JPG - Wikipedia

ABC news anchor caught napping during commercial break

Being an anchor is a tough gig, and sometimes you just need a quick nap between commercial breaks. That's exactly what this Los Angeles ABC news anchor was caught doing. Our sources say he fell asleep with his mouth wide open and even snored on air. It's safe to say that he won't be living this one down anytime soon.

File:Los Angeles ABC News.JPG - Wikipedia

Evening news update - ABC7 Los Angeles

Reporter mistakes colleague for celebrity during live broadcast

Reporting live, mistakes can happen. This Los Angeles ABC7 reporter made a blunder by mistaking his colleague for a Hollywood celebrity. Our sources say that the reporter even asked for an autograph on air! It just goes to show that even reporters can get starstruck.

Evening news update - ABC7 Los Angeles

Well folks, that's a wrap on the latest news and hilarious mishaps in Los Angeles. Remember, life is short, so we should all take some time to laugh at ourselves and the world around us. Till next time, stay funny and stay tuned!

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