Events At Los Angeles Convention Center

Events At The Los Angeles Convention Center -

As an Asian American living in Los Angeles, there is always something happening at the Los Angeles Convention Center. From fitness expos to film festivals, there is an event for everyone to enjoy. Let's take a look at some of the past events held at the convention center and provide some tips on how to maximize your experience.

The Body Building Fit Expo

A Fitness Lover's Paradise

The Body Building Fit Expo is a must-attend event for fitness enthusiasts. Held annually in January, the expo features the latest fitness equipment and nutrition supplements from top retailers. Attendees can also witness fitness competitions and meet with top fitness professionals.

Body Building Fit Expo Image


  • Wear comfortable shoes, as you will be doing a lot of walking.
  • Come prepared with a large bag to carry all the free samples and goodies you'll receive.
  • Create a plan of which booths you want to visit first to ensure you don't miss anything.

GeekFest Film Fests

Celebrating Nerd Culture

GeekFest Film Fests is the ultimate destination for fans of comic books, sci-fi, and horror. The festival features screenings of independent genre films, Q&A sessions with filmmakers, and special guest appearances. Attendees can also participate in various activities such as gaming tournaments and cosplay competitions.

GeekFest Film Fests Image


  • Come dressed in your best cosplay costume and enter the cosplay competition.
  • Participate in a gaming tournament and showcase your skills.
  • Check out the artist alley and support independent creators by purchasing their artwork.

The Los Angeles Convention Center

The Heart of Los Angeles

The Los Angeles Convention Center is not only host to exciting events but is also a landmark of Los Angeles. The convention center was built in 1971 and received a major renovation in 1993. Spanning across 350,000 square feet, the center boasts a modern architecture and is easily accessible by public transportation.

Los Angeles Convention Center Image

How To:

  • Take a guided tour of the convention center and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Visit the rooftop garden and enjoy the stunning views of the city skyline.
  • Attend a convention or event and see the transformation of the convention center for yourself.


The Los Angeles Convention Center has something to offer for everyone. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, fan of geek culture, or simply interested in the history of Los Angeles, the convention center has it all. Be sure to plan accordingly, come prepared, and most importantly, have fun!

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