What Is The Temperature In Chicago

What Is The Temperature In Chicago - Being prepared for fluctuating temperatures and weather conditions is essential for anyone living or visiting Chicago. By exploring local climate data and charts, you can better understand the average monthly and yearly temperatures in the city, as well as how to prepare for extreme events like record cold or warm spells.

Data Tables and Charts Monthly and Yearly Climate Conditions in Chicago


By examining the monthly and yearly climate conditions in Chicago, you can gain a better understanding of the city's temperature trends and fluctuations. The chart below shows the average monthly temperatures in Chicago, which range from an average high of 83 degrees Fahrenheit in July to an average low of 23 degrees Fahrenheit in January.

Monthly temperature chart for Chicago

Tips and Ideas:

  • During the summer months, be prepared for high temperatures and humidity by wearing light-colored, breathable clothing and staying hydrated.
  • In the winter months, dress in warm layers and be prepared for extreme cold temperatures, including potential record-breaking lows like the -23 degrees Fahrenheit experienced in January 2019.

At 23 Below, Wednesday Marked Chicago's 4th Coldest Temperature


While the average temperature in Chicago may fluctuate throughout the year, extreme events like record cold spells can occur, requiring additional preparations and precautions. This news article explores a record-breaking cold spell that hit Chicago in January 2019, with temperatures plummeting to a chilling -23 degrees Fahrenheit.

Chicago record-breaking cold temperature news article

Tips and Ideas:

  • Stay informed about weather alerts and emergency preparedness plans in your area, including warming shelters and public transportation options.
  • Consider investing in cold-weather gear like warm hats, gloves, and heated blankets or clothing.

Chicago Sea Temperature | September Average | United States


While many people associate Chicago with cold, snowy winters and hot, humid summers, the city's location on Lake Michigan can also impact its weather patterns, including the temperature of the lake. This chart displays the average sea temperature in Chicago in September, which typically ranges from mid to high 60s Fahrenheit.

Chicago sea temperature chart for average temperature in September

Tips and Ideas:

  • If you plan to spend time on the lake, be aware of potential weather events like strong winds and inclement weather, and always wear a life jacket.
  • If you plan to swim in the lake, be aware of the water temperature and take extra precautions to stay safe.

Chicago Weather Averages & Monthly Temperatures | United States


This chart provides an overview of the average monthly temperatures in Chicago, as well as other pertinent weather data like precipitation and humidity. By examining this chart, you can better prepare for what to expect during each season in Chicago, including average snowfall and rainfall levels.

Chicago weather averages chart for monthly temperatures and precipitation levels

Tips and Ideas:

  • Be prepared for potential weather events like thunderstorms, heat waves, and severe winter weather by staying informed about local weather forecasts and emergency preparedness plans in your area.
  • Invest in appropriate clothing and gear for each season, including waterproof and wind-resistant options for winter and light, breathable fabrics for summer.
  • Practice safe driving habits during winter weather, including slowing down and leaving extra space between vehicles.

Record/Near Record Warm & Wet End to 2015


This image shows the record-keeping and unusual weather conditions that occurred in Chicago at the end of 2015. In December of that year, Chicago experienced record or near-record high temperatures, along with unusual levels of precipitation.

Chicago weather chart for record-breaking end of 2015

Tips and Ideas:

  • Be prepared for unusual weather events like unexpected heat waves or flooding by staying informed about local weather alerts and emergency preparedness plans.
  • Consider investing in appropriate gear and clothing for extreme weather events, such as waterproof clothing and boots for flooding, or light, breathable clothing for heat waves.
  • Stay hydrated and take extra precautions during extreme weather events, including wearing sunscreen and taking breaks in air conditioning.
By exploring local climate data and charts and following these tips and ideas, you can best prepare for the fluctuating temperatures and weather conditions in Chicago. Whether you're a resident or visitor, staying informed and prepared is key to staying safe and comfortable during any weather event.

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